Monday, August 13, 2007

Wild and Wonderful West (by G-d) Virginia

Last week I stayed overnight at the Concours Owners Group (COG) rally in Davis, WV. To get there I had to cross the Eastern Continental Divide. Up, up, up, and then Down Down DOWN!!! Because 1) They were predicting thunderstorms, and 2) I planned to go back to work the next morning, I decided to take the van, rather than ride my bike there. Those mountain roads are sometimes nerve wracking on a bike. They didn't seem much better in the van!! Oy. In fact, by the time I got back into VA, I could feel and hear (if I turned off the radio) the brakes grinding. I just had them checked... Yep, once again, I have completely worn out the brake pads and was grinding the calipers directly onto the brake rotors. I need to carry hearing people in my van more often. (or teach Tikvah and Ahava when to alert us to various audio problems) The last time I did this was about 7 years ago in my old car. I went to a Midas near my old office in Arlington and they fixed it up for me. This time I went to the Midas near my new office (a town over from Arlington). Turns out the manager moved and was at this shop and remembered me!

But besides the brake issue, I had a great time seeing folks from COG at the rally. They had a BBQ banquet that night. It smelled delicious. No, really, I enjoyed my peanut butter and jelly sandwich very much! ;-) They also had doorprizes that night. Lots of good things, gift certificates, parts, clothing, and the grand prize, a Zumo 550 GPS. Me... nothing. Oh well, I still enjoyed it all anyway. Hopefully in a few years I'll be able to go again and spend more than one night. But still, in all honesty, I feel more connected with people at the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance's Ride to Remembers.

I don't remember if I mentioned it here or not, but next year's ride will be to Ohmaha Nebraska. "What the heck is in Ohmaha?" is what most people ask me. The National Holocaust Endowment Fund. Education and rememberance for folks out in Nebraska.


Anonymous said...

Motorcyclist just did a short review of the new Concours. I think you should have one for the ride to Oh-maha. :-)

Jewish Deaf Motorcycling Dad said...

I forgot to mention, they had demo bikes (the new Concours) available for riders. I could barely touch my toe down. The demo reps pointed out a woman who had a shoe with like a 4" sole (elevator shoes?) and suggested I get a pair of those. Ummmm, no thanks, I'd rather the bike fits me as I am. I'll keep my eyes open. If they come up with a decent lowering kit, then the new Concours could be an option, otherwise I'll probably go with a used Wing.

There is a discussion on the COG Web forum about if Kawasaki lost too much business by making the bike so tall. But then again, a friend of mine just tried the bike and said his legs were too folded to be comfortable. (long legs and bad knees). Too bad we can't trade off some of his leg height to me, we'd both be able to get a Connie then. :-)